Wednesday, December 21, 2011

niqabi vs musician

salam alaik & hye everyone..

today ZH nak tunaikan janji untuk update blog.
its been a long time i dont update any blog entry.
tonight, i'm going out with my lovely friend.
mei,iqa & amy.
alhamdulillah, i meet her (mei).
she also have the same passion like me> writer!
and she in the same course with me!
happy sgt.

hari ni ada 1 kelas je.. english profieciency..
ada public speaking in group.
well, guess what..
my group is the best group. as the lecturer tell one whole class.
*ececeh.. bangga sikit (eh, silap> happy laaaa wehhhhhh)
we talk about abortion.
spontan je cakap. takda masa lah ZH nak type2 kat kartas... malas..................................................
alhamdulillah.. everything went well.

hari ni jugak, kelas kami DMLT stud batch 12/11 amik gambar ramai2..
parents juga dtg ke unisel untk hantar barang & at the same time uruskan fees abang ZH yg sekali study kt unisel ni.
best, dpt hug umi, shake hand dgn fmily.. rinduu..tgn doranglah yg ZH rindu nak pegang..
alhamdulillah, dpt jugak pegang hr ni.. dpt lah kurangkan rindu2 tu...
tq Allah..

back to topic..
ZH hr ni tak mahu usik citer tentang novel.
but about niqabi vs musician.

ZH bukan gadis lulusan sekolah agama mahupun islamic private school.
ZH asal dr sekolah campur (boys like girls * :P) & sekolah ZH dulu asalnya main> music & english.
masa sekolah, i'm methodist school student...
seeeee........... wierd kan?
so, i'm not kanak2 dari maahad or even sekolah SMKA.

i have experience in playing music, be part of the family in school band and even play traditional instrument.
tak pernah masuk tarian, cuma music..
and i more to percussion instrument.
terkejut tak?

well, boleh sembang lah dgn ZH kalau setakat nak tanya nak mula beat/rythm drumm tuuuuu..
setakat ajak jamming tu> alahaiiiii....
mls laaaaaa ckp....
pejam mata main.. *amboih! (=_=')

ada few of my innocent friends keep asking me, why i'm different with other 'alim' people..
well, i guess...
i have few reason why i'm different.
1st, i dont want to be sterotype.
2nd, maybe their doing their dakwah with that way..mine? kena rock sikit> ikut flow budak2 muda.
3rd, Islam is the way of life. so, as what i understand Islam is the perfect one > so, there have a guide line for anything that we do..
4th, eh suka hati lahhhhh~ (hehe, jokes~)

agak2 u all lah..
kalau ZH guna method mcm ustaz2> mesti ada bdk2 ni  cakap> "what a lame"...
so, i'm teenager and so are they..
i have to used their way ,  attrack them to know themselve & to know their Creator.
its wrong, if i used diffrent method?

(eh, suka hati lahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)

so, being part of new generation never stop me to deal with others..
eventough we are not same level of thinking or dress, or whatever je lah...
tapi, i have to get to know them 1st... & help them slowly..

apa kau ingat> dakwah tu> untuk org2 masjid je keeeeee?
memang takkkkk lah kannnnnn~
so, i have my own style to solve this...

ok fine.. banyak sgt cakap ni.
need rest today.

 (ya Allah, ampunkan lah dosa si dia atas sebab2 dia menyingung perasaanku meskipun dia sgt 'senget' bila mghadapi hidup2nya... berikan lah dia petunjuk-Mu...aku tak mampu nak deal ngn manusia cmtu)


Anonymous said...

die xniat kot..pe2 pon sblum tido kne maapkan semua sdare islam kite~ good gal