Thursday, May 24, 2012

sesaat kau datang?

alhamdulillah ZH bukan penulis lagu.
kalau tak, mesti kemain org nyanyi sana sini..

lagu yang ZH rasa superb so far.
sbb i used to be like that.
nway, i believe lelaki baik utk wanita baik..
sesungguhnya Allah Maha membolak-balikkan hati manusia.
cinta belum tentu bahagia.
cinta juga bukan jaminan untuk bersama.
couple dgn orang lain, cinta orang lain, kawin dgn orang lain.
Allah lebih mengetahui apa yang terbaik untuk kita.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

kawin kerana 4 sebab

salam & hye.

kawin lah 4 sebab.
plih kerana agama, pasti bawa ketenangan.

insyaAllah cuba ada ciri2 ni untuk diri sndiri.
all the best juga to the others.

Monday, May 21, 2012

front cover yg menawan

 salam & hye..
i think, i choose this..
this look so romantic & loving.
credit to my friend.
(nama di rahsiakan, sbb he so super-cool friend)
thanks awak!

that's all folks..

with love,
Zeeshan Heikal

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

sayang kau-orang?

salam and hello world.

dah terlepas nak update blog lagi.
maafkan saya.
smile please..

malam ni ZH busy mengemas beg, esok akan ke kampus sh.alam..
then the following day akan ke Tioman!
bulan madu..
*jgn nak menipu sgt lahhh*

ada urusan kerja. under MPN, ada kursus..wajib...
nak2 pulak exco pendidikan merangkap s/u program ketika cinta bertasbih..
makkk aihhhhhh~
semua yg education jee bagi den..
(aku ni muka budak pandai ke?)

ZH akan ke sana seminggu..
(hitam legammm la pasni)
no wayyy.. i'm totally covered myself with purdah.
no problemo!
wink sikit.
-but marah sgt dgn mereka2 yg tak join, ade je kan kome ni..-
nak je cekik kome..geram seyh..

well, special thanks kepada mereka2 yg sudi menjergah ke dlm blog ZH ni..
yang baca novel soulmate mini version & preveiew every chapter..
i'm glad that most of them love to read my novel.
plus, really happy that you love my writing..

well, ZH nak inform this cooming 23 may, Dr. Zakir Naik akan ke masjid negeri Shah Alam.
ZH sempat pergi rasanya.
sbb, seminar ends 22 may..
then tido rumah kawan ke...then boleh la pergi on the next day.

apa lagi ye latest projek ZH?
ZH ada blur dengan 2nd novel & mini novel.
sbb ZH aspect kawan2 akan contact ZH untuk beritahu apa progress..
sadly, no answer..
kindda dissapointed.
-crying hard in my holy room!-

whateverlah..nanti sambung bebel dgn dorang.

anyway, ZH nak ucapkan selamat hari guru buat cikgu2 ZH.
sr. Al- Islah Penang.
sk methodist Parit Buntar
sk Jalan Pegoh Ipoh
Smk Kampong Pasir Puteh
smk Raja Permaisuri Bainun.
lectures MSU(foundation year) & lecturer unisel.

terima kasih sbb mengajar sy yg macam2 ragam ni..
love you olls.
tc tau.
ada umur yg panjang, sy pasti jemput cikgu2 ke majlis walimah sy nanti!
(mula daaaaa....)

tu je kot for today & this week.

Zeeshan Heikal

Sunday, May 13, 2012

13 may. cover novel.

 salam alykkk..hello world..
hari ni just nak tanya..
which one is better> pic yg weeding ni or pic

or ada idea lain?

oklah, before i end my writing..
here is the viewer for this week.
thnks for you support.

zeeshan heikal

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


miss him so much.
ya Rasulullah, we miss u..i miss you.
may peace be upon you.
kau lah nabi pembawa cinta, kau bimbing kami menuju syurga.

nescahaya kelak di akhirat sana kita akan berjumpa.

Monday, May 7, 2012

inspiration from other author

salam & hello....
well, talk about my mini novel.
i was thinking about write something about family value.
i do love watch moviesss..

movie that i think really makes me think about life & family/friendship love were ;
1.the last song
2.back up plan
3.what to expect when you are expecting
4. pursuit of happiness
5. real steel
6.sisterhood travelling pants
7.the orphans
8.nanny mcphee.

and many more.
its fun to watch these kind of movie..
then we start to appriciate life more.
as we know the meaning of sacrify & also love.
all the big author really inspire me towrite something that new and lead me to be more creative than i ever tought.
sometimes when the hard time crush our good time, we seldom to blame others..
but,instead of pointing people..
why dont we reflect ourselves on what we did before.

agree or not,
life isn't that easy.
some people can just run to achieve their goals, some of them..
they are crawling in the dark and rough road to reach their dream.
as Adele said in her song > rolling in the deep......

people always blame God for the their faith.
dont they realize that;
God didnt give u sun when the heavy rain is fallin down..
but, He already set up for you are beutiful rainbow.
i always believe that..

just to note that, i really have big passion to be a doctor.
but with my 'damn-sucks' spm result..
i felt down..
yet, i realize that..
Allah already set for me to faced all the big challengers..
because He know, iam a small young lady with big heart.
which never applied 'give up' in my life..
now, in stead of i'm taking medical laboratory technology..
(my dream to be post mortem doctor in forensic department)
i'm also part time writer.
as novelist.
i gain money, as well as  i alsocan slowly manage to study well..
without pressure.
i know that,most of my friend are now in last phase in medical years..
happy for them..

but me?
crawling, to be just like them...
Allah gives me strength to write something that inspired others..
plus, i can gain money while the others are still with their 'loan' and 'scholarship'..

just to mention again, that.. Allah knows better for us..
whoever you are & whatever yo do..
remember that, Allah never forget u..
we are the one who always far a stray from Him.
recite Quran Al-Baqarah verse 216.

i want to share story that i got in my mail.
receive from my uncle.



When I was a kid, my Mum liked to make breakfast food for dinner
every now & then & I remember one night in particular when she had
made breakfast after a long, hard day at work. On that evening
so long ago, my Mum placed a plate of eggs, sausage,
and extremely burned biscuits in front of my dad. I remember waiting
to see if anyone noticed!
Yet all my dad did was reach for his biscuit, smile at my Mum
and ask me how my day was at school.

I don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember hearing
my Mum apologize to my dad
for burning the biscuits.  And I'll never forget what he said: 
"Honey, I love burned biscuits."

Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night and I asked him
if he really liked his biscuits burned.
He wrapped me in his arms and said,
"Your momma put in a long hard day at work today and she's real tired.
And besides... A burnt biscuit never hurt anyone!"

You know, life is full of imperfect things... And imperfect people.
I'm not the best at hardly anything,
and I forget birthdays and anniversaries just like everyone else.
What I've learned over the years is that learning to accept each others
faults and choosing to celebrate
each other’s differences, is one of the most important keys
to creating a healthy, growing, and lasting relationship. 

So...please pass me a biscuit. And yes, the burned one will do just fine!
And please pass this along to someone
who has enriched your life...I just did!

Life is too short to wake up with regrets... Love the people who treat you right
and forget about the ones who don't.



i think thats all.
i dedicate this song to my beloved mom & dad, for giving me full support.
emotion & everything.
i love you both.
never lesss...

loving you inside and out,
zeeshan heikal

Dalam Mihrab Cinta Full Movies

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

travelog NIQABI

 salam & hye..
tengok gambar budak kecik tu je..rasa garangnye!

bercerita tentang travelog niqabi.

ZH akan coretkan dlm travelog tu tentang pengalaman manis, pengalaman sedih sepanjang menjadi gadis 'ninja'.

harapan ZH, tiada yang akan bermain2 bila mengenakan purdah.
& orang akan pikir panjang untuk memakainya.
kerana ia perlukan suatu kuasa dalaman untuk menahannya.


kita akan menjadi golongan yang melawan arus untuk mencantikkan diri.
kita akan menjadi mereka yg menyimpan kecantikan wajah untuk yg berhak.

ZH baru send email kpd wakil rabak-lit.
hopely ada response..
then now ZH dah mula karang untuk travelog.
sesi menconteng kertas bermula!

mohon doakan kjyaan sy.
macam dlm blog peribadi sy, sy akan cuba hentikan pandangan skeptikal manusia kpd wanita brpurdah.
& beri info serba sedikit untuk wanita berpurdah.. i mean yg baru berjinak-jinak untuk melakukakn transformasi.

berubah kerana Allah & bukan kerana -buaya friend- yg konon alim tu.
berubah kerana Allah itu lebih suci & murni.

hari ni ZH nak share ayt Quran yg Zh suka gila..
one of the best from Quran.

Quran >> surah al-Baqarah ayt 216 ;
"Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But God knoweth, and ye know not"

i think thats all.
bye sayangss...

ZH tinggalkan u olls dengan lagu Nirwana Band - Sudah cukup sudah.
ini khas buat mereka yg menjadi duri dalam hidup ZH.
ZH ucapkan terima kasih.kerana anda, sy lebih kuattttttt...

projek novelet : kawin muda VS adat

salam & hello....

alhamdulillah, again..
hidup rasa tenang aman sentosa..
lebih tu...

ZH kembali menulis dgn mengajak kawan-kawan untuk join projek novelet dgn GISB.
insyaAllah hujung minggu ni akan ke PWTC untuk tanya pihak editor secara direct.

alhamdulillah kawan-kawan Zh berminat nak join advanture novelet ni
(novelet = mini novel)

cuti ni jugak ZH akan memerah keringat untuk buat projek bisness jubah on9 tu..
jubah jahit sndiri.
so price around RM155 not include pos.
ok kan?

1st, ZH ada berbincang dgn wakil Rabak-lit untuk produce 'travelog niqabi'...
semua pengalaman sepanjang pakai purdah akan ZH coretkan dlm tu.

then projek mini dgn kawan2 tentang novelet tu under GISB insyaAllah..
thanks kpd Daniel, taufiq, balqis, ashraff, marsyada.
cari lagi 2 orang.
tema percintaan/dewasa/family akan di terapkan.
ZH dgn 2 kawan (daniel/taufiq) akan pilih tema pernikahan di usia muda VS adat.
kami akan cuba sedaya upaya menghentam adat karut dlm budaya kita yg menyusahkan belia remaja.
kami akan selitkn unsur untuk mendapatkan cinta halal among teenagers.
this due to masalah maksiat yg berleluasa nowdays.
dgn member yg lain, belum decide lagi.

lastly, ZH akan beri fokus penulisan novel 2nd, untuk terbitan pustaka yamien.
bunyi macam serabut gilaaa..
banyak nye nak kena tulis.

so rasanya sem baru nanti pakai spect mata lah akuuu nii..

keberangkatan ZH ke PWTC ahad ni akan tanya tentang hak2 penulisan juga.
ZH akan buat appointment dgn pakcik ZH yg mrupakan lawyer.
nak tanya pendapat dia.
so that kes mcm filem box ofice tuuu *maya karin& aeron* penulis novelnya tak dpt sesen untuk tyangan filem based on her novel.

so ZH tak nak bnda ni terjadi pada ZH.

ada kwn2 ZH yg nakal ckp cmni;
"amboi, banyaknye duit nanti.. nanti boleh lah kawin"

ZH: "amboi-amboi.. korang dah takda soalan lain ke... apelah.. cube lah cerita ape movie trbaru ke, xfactor sape juara trbaru ke, siapa juara menganyam ketupat tahun lps, siapa juara mkn burger XXL, siapa PM trbaru naga korea selatan ke, ape cerita Rain *korean artist* ke, ape album terbaru celine dion ke, brapa pendapatan bersih christiano ronaldo ke, or ape2 je lah.."

i think, that's all for now.
catch you later darlingssss....

(gambar kena 'pinang' ni tetap di hatiku)
puiiii~ ni gambar time raya tahun di namakan chit chat ngn makcik2
